With around 900,000 inhabitants in a 2.2 million-people metropolitan area, Città di Torino is the 4th Italian city by population and the 3rd complex economic pole. Considered the XX century Italian automotive capital, in last decades it is leading a major economic, urban and cultural transformation, starting from the 2006 Winter Olympic Games and exploiting the rich cultural, historical, food & wine heritage and becoming more and more a smart city. Among the Smart city steps, the Traffic Urban Plans for smart mobility since the 90s’, the TAPE-Torino Action Plan for Energy in 2010, the SUMP-Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan in 2011, the Biciplan (about cycling) in 2013, several EU projects about mobility in the last years.

Città di Torino cooperates with Politecnico to set up the TInnGO Italian national hub. It is involved in training, dissemination and evaluation activities and will apply gender mainstreaming, gender action planning and gender impact assessments in its own spheres of influence and interest.