United Kingdom Hub Portuguese Hub Spanish Hub French Hub German Hub Scandinavian Hub Baltics Hub Italian Hub Greek Hub Romanian Hub

The geographic coverage of the TInnGO project is pan-European and in this context, a network of 10 national hubs has been established.  The TInnGO Observatory coordinates and leads the Scandinavian, the UK, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Italian, the Greek, the French, the German, the Romanian, and the Baltics Hubs.

The Hubs promote gender smart mobility by building the capacity to generate and apply evidence on issues relating to gender equality and transport, by highlighting case studies of women leaders in smart mobility and by developing gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility solutions through associated idea factories, called Transport Innovation Gender Labs(TInnGIdLabs).

The operation of the Hubs is structured around the four following phases:

Phase 1  National research and practical knowledge are collected by each of the ten Hubs.
Phase 2  Knowledge is consolidated and formed into coordinated research priorities that address specific gender problems in the individual country. ABM and predictive modelling are used to investigate gaps in transport provision and predict new service provision.
Phase 3  Gender Action Plans, Gender Impact Assessments and Gender Mainstreaming tools are delivered for application in each Hub and across their networks.  The TInnGIdLabs (Ideas Labs), hosted by each Hub, work on local problems related to gender Smart Mobility and share experiences and ideas across the Open Innovation Platform with the aim to encourage local stakeholders and communities to engage with smart mobility and gender issues relevant to them.  Feedback is provided to inform any iterative development. This will relate to already identified areas (mobility, safety and security, employment, education, opportunity and innovation) and specifically for the various stakeholders, ranging from IT developers and urban planners to municipal decisionmakers.  The Gender Action Plans are developed in a transdisciplinary approach, involving stakeholders/target groups.
Phase 4  Evaluation of the national hubs, of the TInnGIDlabs, the TInnGO Observatory and the overall approach of the project. Drafting of Sustainability plans.