09:00 – 09:05 Welcome and Registration
09:05 – 09:15 Opening statements
Prof. Andree Woodcock, TInnGO PI
Anca Pasca, Project Officer in INEA, responsible PO for TInnGO
09:15 – 10:05 The Gender Smart Mobility Roadmap
The opening session will introduce the key concepts in TInnGO, such as gender smart mobility, gender and diversity mainstreaming, digital methods and gender and diversity action plans. We will present the TInnGO roadmap and methods and discuss how this can progress current debates and create a paradigm shift towards greater inclusivity in the transport sector and in transport policy. Additionally, the use of design as a communication aid to draw out requirements and shape transport will be presented.
Hilda Romer Christensen , Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Floridea Di Ciommo, Co-Director cambiaMO|changing MObility
Felipe Moreira, Research Assistant, Coventry University
Paul Magee, Senior Designer, Centre for Intelligent Healthcare, Coventry University
Moderator: Andree Woodcock
10:05 – 10:20 Keynote speech: Building imagination and possibilities of ‘gendering’ smart mobilities
Tanu Priya Uteng, Senior Research, Institute of Transport Economics, Norway
10:20 – 11:00 Creating a paradigm shift in employment in the Transport Business Ecosystem
Despite concrete evidence affirming the benefits of gender and diversity in all industries in terms of increased satisfaction, creativity, innovation and sales, there is still a gender and diversity gap across the whole of the transport system (i.e. from education, through to operationalisation, sales and manufacture). Indeed, the automotive industry is viewed as one of the most hostile environments to women. In this session we will discuss the findings from our research, point to best practices and strategies to removing barriers including preparedness to increase diversity in employment.
Livia Spera, Acting General Secretary European Transport Workers’ Federation
Laurie Pick, International Director, Vectos and Honorary Professor of European Transport Policy, University of Aberdeen
Maria Chiara Leva, Lecturer TU Dublin
Moderator: Stefan Roseanu
11:00 – 11:45 Creating a paradigm shift in the educational sector and research and innovation
A gradual change is occurring in the diversity of students taking STEM subjects. This session will discuss which strategies /policies and interventions have been most successful in increasing diversity, and where more could be done, and whether this is having any effects in the wider system. Attention will also be drawn to the lack of diversity within teaching, research and senior management in education and the effects this might have.
Francesca Ciuffini, Head of Marketing and Integrated Services Development at RFI (Italian Railway Infrastructure Manager)
Elisabeth Young, Founder and President of WAVE (WoMen and Vehicles in Europe)
Natasha Sachiko Matsushima Carstens, Owner and Consultant at Carstens Climate Consulting
Moderator: Miriam Pirra
11:45 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 12:20 Keynote speech: Transport and Social Exclusion in Global South Cities
Karen Lucas, Prof. of Human Geography in the School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED) at the University of Manchester
12:20 – 13:45 Intersectional approaches to understanding Mobility
Intersectionality is a key concept in advancing understanding of mobility and the subtle influences lack of accessibility to transport provision may have on life outcomes, as well as everyday life. The differential outcomes of COVID has provided a chilling reminder of the effects of intersectionality on disease transmission and severity. Similarly, personal factors such as age, gender and ethnicity can affect mobility. This session will discuss the challenges of using an intersectional approach in transport research and pose possible solutions for researchers and policy makers wishing to adopt intersectionality.
Jonas Ihlström, Research Assistant at VTI, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
Michala Hvidt Breengaard, Researcher, Post doc, Department of Sociology University of Copenhagen
Marcus Finbom, Urban and Traffice Planner, WSP Sweden
Tauri Tuvikene, Senior Researcher Tallinn University
Mariana Costa, Analyst VTM Lisbon, Portugal
Moderator: Lena Levin
13:45 – 14:20 Stakeholders’ Reflections on Gender and Diversity Sensitive Smart Mobility
Is the world prepared for smart mobility solutions, and how is it ensuring that future transport provision will be accessible and inclusive? This session will take the form of a structured discussion with stakeholders discussing how they are addressing this.
Sarah Bittner – Krautsack, Policy Officer, Mobility and Transport Technologies, Austrian Federal Ministry
Marta Serrano, Founder of the Initiative Women on the Move
Eva Kail, Gender Expert, City of Vienna
Moderator: Cathleen Schöne / Sebastian Spundflasch
14:20 – 15:10 The way ahead
TInnGO project findings should be translated into more robust and long-lasting EU statistics and follow up projects. What are the possibilities and challenges in terms of Eurostat and central EU institutions? What are the needs of various EU NGOs such as age, lgbt, ethnic minorities? What can be offered by EU institutions such as the EIGE and EUROSTAT? How can (person) transport/ mobility and diversity be galvanized in future EU treaties. What have we learnt from COVID?
Cristina Marolda, former EC Policy Officer – Independent expert
Mimi Sheller, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Mobilities Research and Policy, Drexel University
Andree Woodcock, Professor of Centre for Arts, Memory and Communities, Coventry University
Moderator: Hilda Romer Christensen
15:10 Closure of the Event