“Expanding the Boundaries of Smart Mobility”

The TInnGO Multistakeholders’ Forum took place on 22nd October 2020, being the digital forum where new perspectives to approach gendered inequalities in the transport sector were actually discussed and put in public discourse with different stakeholders.

It offered a view of gender in smart transport that connects the TInnGO project with wider discourses of smart cities and notions of automated, green transport, smart biking and walking. At the Forum scientific evidence was presented and discussed on how inequalities are created and addressed gendered practices of education, employment, technological innovations and entrepreneurship as arenas for change and inclusion of gendered innovations.

There were presented, the core concepts and approaches to gender and transport, such as sex-gender analysis, gender mainstreaming and inclusive language. During TInnGO Multistakeholders’ Forum, an approach to monitor Gender Smart Mobility was presented and discussed with stakeholders. Discussions were capitalizing  on the experiences and knowledge of the TInnGO observatory and the 10 national hubs in 13 European countries.

The way forward on how to open a policy window for Gender Smart Mobility in the provision of proximity between stakeholders at both regional and European levels and to contribute with new knowledge in the design and implementation of sustainable future strategies of transport and future European policies was discussed and innovative approaches were presented.


You can download the Programme here